Sulfur granulated
Sulfur - widely distributed in nature and a very important element for living organisms, is part of amino acids, an important element for the synthesis of proteins and fats. It is used in agriculture as a component of various fertilizers. It is also ..
Terraflex-C (chlorine free NPK fertilizer)
Chlorine free NPK fertilizer - "Terraflex-C". Complex, chlorine-free, water-soluble, mineral fertilizer for vegetative vegetable and berry crops, containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and trace element chelates. Advantages..
Trap for slugs and snails "WINslug"
Trap for slugs and snails "WIN-slug". This trap helps protect garden plants from slugs and snails: • Easy to use. • Reusable. • Environmentally friendly. • Safe for domestic and wild animals. • Does not requir..
Trichoderma veride 471
The spore-mycelial mass of the fungus Trichoderma veride, strain 471 (not less than 1 billion spores of Trichoderma veride 471 fungi) is an effective biopesticide for protecting plants from diseases. It is based on microscopic fungi that are friendl..
Universal pH test paper
"pH Tester" - litmus soil pH testing strips. Тест-индикатор для определения кислотности почвы. Определитель кислотности почвы "pH Tester"" позволяет быстро и просто измерить кислотность грунта в саду, на огороде..
Сarbamide "Gold"
Сarbamide 46,5%. Mineral fertilizer with the amide form of nitrogen. Carbamide is the most concentrated of all nitrogen fertilizers, produced in granular form. Granular urea has excellent physical characteristics: it does not cake and retains good..
Сomplex mineral fertilizer 17-6-11
Сomplex mineral fertilizer 17-6-11 NPK. N - 17 P2O5 - 6 K2O - 11. Application rates for vegetable crops: Cabbage and Beetroot 60-70 g/m2 Carrots and Onions 30-40 g/m2 Tomato and Cucumber 50-60 g/m2 Beans, beans and peas 20-30 g/m2..
Complex NPK fertilizer "Kristalon"
NPK сomplex fertilizer "Kristalon". Удобрение без хлора. Полное удобрение с водорастворимыми элементами. Kristalon Blue Label является подходящим гербицидом для овощных, ягодных и цветочных культур как на почвенных, так и на торфяных уч..
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